PAintings: 2010 collection
Why Can't We Be Friends
acrylic, paper, and velvet flocking on wood panel
44 x 28 in.
acrylic, paper, and velvet flocking on wood panel
75 x 58 x 2 in.
acrylic, paper and velvet flocking/wood panel
60 x 141 1/2 x 2 in.
Les Demoiselles d
acrylic, paper, and velvet flocking on wood panel
24 x 24 x 3/4 in.
acrylic, paper and velvet flocking on wood panel
24 x 24 in.
Hunter Gatherer
acrylic, paper, and velvet flocking on wood panel
24 x 24 x 3/4 in.
BBQ By The Lake
acrylic, paper, and velvet flocking on wood panel
24 x 24 x 3/4 in.
Tiger Vs. Crane
acrylic, paper, and velvet flocking on wood panel
24 x 24 x 3/4 in.